More than a decade of setting
new highs within and beyond
wealth management
Fin@Work is a leading Independent Multi-Family Office and Wealth Advisory Firm.
Founded by Saurabh Bansal, an IIT & IIM alumnus, Fin@Work helps individuals achieve their financial goals and build long term wealth in a structured and scientific way.
Private wealth management is limited to very high net worth individuals, we cater to emerging affluents providing high quality advisory service.
Wealth transfer+protection (legacy transfer safely)
We are a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor and Certified Financial Planner that operates on the fundamentals of trust, integrity, and transparency.
When money realizes that it is in good hands, it wants to stay and multiply in those hands.~ Idowu Koyenikan
In today’s landscape, modern investing is not about the wealth manager. It’s about the investor’s hopes, aspirations, barriers, and dreams.
It’s about what you want to become, how you want to lead your lives ahead – then creating a monetary pathway to enable that.
Shared ambitions with the clients build mutual trust, and a “been there, done that” connection. That trust comes because we are hardwired to recognize ideas that reinforce our core ethos and goals, and reject the ones that don’t.
With this central belief, a decade ago, I left a well paying corporate job to do something so ambitious. I succeeded in what I do, not just because I love it, but also because I found the real gaps between goals and investments and placed the brick at the right spot. I designed a gamut of services that resolved all barriers with solutions that work.
It was clearly visible that with multiple investing options available, it gets confusing for investors to choose, invest and achieve the desired results. Volatile markets and information clutter add sheer randomness and bias. Fear of missing out (“FOMO”) further pushes the investors to resort to unsystematic investment methods.
I set up a boutique wealth management firm that provides a holistic approach with bespoke offerings to resolve all the existing pain points of investing.
I sincerely believe that money is a vehicle not the destination. Wealth gives the freedom to spend our time on things we love and cherish.
It makes me feel contended, happy and inspired to have achieved investment outcomes that have transformed lives.
The journey is still on…